MOIMO Charter

This document embodies the principles and strategies we've cultivated over the past few months at MOIMO, incorporating feedback from our internal team and external stakeholders. While the trajectory of technological advancement remains unpredictable, this Charter intends to guide our actions in serving the interests of humanity in the realm of technology awareness and adaptation.


MOIMO's mission is to enable all individuals to understand and adapt to technological trends, fostering their soft skills in parallel, thereby ensuring balanced growth in this rapidly evolving digital age.

Our goal is to develop a platform that encourages the fostering and democratizes access to these resources, fostering societal change. We intend to build this transformative app but also consider our mission accomplished if our efforts aid others in achieving similar outcomes.

Commitment to Principles:

Broadly Distributed Benefits: 

We pledge to use any influence we gain through MOIMO's platform to ensure its benefits reach all users and to avoid enabling uses of our technology that could harm humanity or disproportionately concentrate power. Our primary duty is to serve humanity's interests. Though substantial resources are required to fulfill our mission, we will consistently act to minimize conflicts of interest that could compromise this broad distribution of benefits.

Long-term Adaptability: 

We are committed to providing resources and tools that help individuals adapt to the long-term changes in the technological landscape. We also acknowledge the fast pace of tech development and are dedicated to ensuring that our platform evolves with these changes.

Technology and Soft Skills Leadership: 

To effectively address the societal impacts of rapid technological advancement, MOIMO needs to stay at the forefront of technology education and soft skills development. We will strive to lead in those areas that align with our mission and expertise.

Cooperative Orientation: 

We will actively cooperate with other research, educational, and policy institutions aiming to foster a global community that addresses the challenges of adapting to technological changes together.

Commitment to Community: 

We pledge to offer value that assists society in comprehending and adapting to the fluid digital environment. At present, this involves sharing our findings and trend analyses.

In the future, it may extend to providing resources for developing soft skills and technological adaptability.

These principles underline our dedication to nurturing 'invisible strengths' alongside understanding technology, aiming to cater to society's best interests in the digital era. As we align with the shifts in the tech ecosystem, this Charter will steer our path.